WhaddupNow: The Newsletter – February 2012


Welcome all to WhaddupNow 2.0! That last statement has been kind of been an inside joke over coffee as we revamped the website, its still being tweaked but stop by and check it out. We’ve been around for a while and we are finally starting to do what we wanted with this site…10 years ago. Haven’t heard of us yet? Well today is your lucky day! What is a WhaddupNow? Well it started as a greeting when saw each other, Whaddup! It then became a challenge during drinking hours and video game sessions, WhaddupNow! It then became a question one day in the year 2000 searching the interwebs in infancy. In example I want to go out why isn’t there a digital source for entertainment…WhaddupNow? Since then we have been attending events and taking photos of events for quite some time, Shawn the Obvious will explain more in his corner. Looking back and looking forward one thing is safe to say, we are here to stay! We have a name, a great nucleus of supporters and pretty soon merchandise and a few bigger and better ideas for the future. I think the real thing that kept us going, in a world where everything next year is outdated, was friendship. Friendship is something you can’t buy or sell like the upcoming stock in Facebook. Real friendship from the guys that hatched the idea extending all the way out to every person we meet along the way. I cant introduce everyone now but every month we will plan to highlight members and subscribers in our meet and greet section. Thanks for your support and having fun with us on the adventures. As a continued thank you we plan on giving away free stuff to our subscribers! You’ve already subscribed to the newsletter, that’s what you’re reading, so please like us on Facebook, +1 us on Google+, to increase your chances of winning! Please see the contest section below and contest rules for more information.



Isn’t It Obvious? (Written by CEO Shawn the Obvious)

Hello, hi there and howdy hey everyone! We’ve been off to a busy start for the 2012 year! We launched, as we like to call it, “WhaddupNow 2.0” and finally gathered all the pictures into one central location! No more looking all over the place trying to find your photos. Visit the main page and viola! Pictures are right there for the most recent pictures and if you’re looking for past events you can browse on over to the picture page and see all the photos from all events we have attended! We’re looking forward to bringing you new things as the year moves on. Sometimes we only think about the direction that we would like to see the site go, but we welcome all your input on how you would like to see it go! Please hit us up via one of our social networks or you can e-mail your thoughts and ideas to info@whaddupnow.com. We can’t promise that everything that will happen, but we do care about your input and will put effort into getting what you want done. I’m really excited for the 2012 year and everything that it has in store for all of us and all of you!


Shawn the Obvious


(Now back to Corona!)


Upcoming Events

March 17, 2012 – Beyond Wonderland

April 7, 2012 – Fresh Anniversary

Meet and Greet

They always say write what you know so our first subject is the author of this newsletter, Government name Eric but they call him Corona. Not to say he will be writing this newsletter all of the time, but he likes to get the ball rolling. He’s always been like that since the day I met him. The throttle possibly also the gear shift in the vehicle of life. Now not always arriving there with passengers or even a driver on time, but exciting to drive, built like a tank and dependable as they make them. Why all of the analogies to speed, well he was part of a motorcycle club and that’s where he learned a thing or two about event planning and promotion. Things have kind of slowed on that front because of a pretty crazy crash last year, but you almost wouldn’t know it talking to him. He has a few projects in the mix for the WhaddupNow team, merchandise, the newsletter and bouncing more ideas off of his long time friend Shawn the Obvious. Corona doesn’t like to give quotes, but when he does he says; “The Dos Equis guy is kinda boring me.” Perhaps interesting guy can learn a thing or two?



Ladies and Gentleman…Start your engines! Sorry, I was part of a different scene. Everyone loves free stuff right? How about free tickets?

Facebook boost!

If we get 3,000 likes on our Facebook page by March 3rd we will give away two tickets to Beyond Wonderland taking place on March 17 at the NOS Events Center. Check out the Beyond Wonderland contest rules for more info.

Social networking boost!

In addition to hitting 3,000 likes on Facebook we will give away two tickets to Fresh Anniversary on April 7. If we hit 3,000 likes on our Google+ page by March 24 we’ll throw two more tickets in the pool, and if we have 3,000 subscribers to this newsletter by March 24th we’ll throw in another two tickets! That’s three separate ways to enter to win! We would like to thank Fresh Entertainment for these tickets! For more info check out the Fresh Anniversary contest rules.


Until next month!


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